International Exchange Center

■ International Exchange Center (run by Iwate International Association)


The International Exchange Center located on the 5F of Iwate Prefectural Citizens' Information Exchange Center (Aiina) provides a space that everyone can easily use.
Open daily from 9:00 to 20:00. It can also be used as a one-stop on the way home from school or work.

Aiina 5F, 1-7-1 Moriokaekinishidori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0045
TEL: 019-606-1750 Fax: 019-606-1751


Facilities Guide
※ The International Exchange Center is available for non-profit activities such as international exchange. For commercial purposes, please use the paid meeting rooms in aiina.
Japanese Language Study/ International Exchange Corner
koryu-corner.pngThis space can be used for learning Japanese, international exchange, etc. Please apply at the front desk before use.
Japanese Language Room
kyozaishitsu.pngThis space can be used for learning and teaching Japanese. Please apply at the front desk before use. Groups of people learning Japanese can make reservations in advance, so please call us for more information.
▼ Download Application Form
Language Study Corner
gogaku-corner.pngThis space can be used for group language learning and international exchange activities. Reservations are required for use, so please inquire for room availability.
▼ Download Application Form
Work Room
work-room.pngThis space can be used for group language learning and international exchange activities. Reservation are required for use, so please inquire for room availability..
▼ Download Application Form
Information Corner
information-corner.pngYou can use this space to place flyers related to international exchange, international cooperation and support. To use this corner, please fill our the application form and apply with the materials using the application form below.
▼ Download Application Form
Information Board
message.pngYou can post using our designated forms for your needs, such as finding circle members or friends, teaching languages, etc. Aiina's membership registration is required to use this service.
▶ Application Form (in Japanese)
【PDF】(Aiina Homepage)
Strage Cubby
letter-box.pngYou can store tools and documents for international exchange group activities in here. Registration is required in order to use this service.
Citizen's Lounge
kenmin.pngThis space can be used freely for self-study and breaks.
Books / Materials (goods) to Borrow
You can borrow foreign books, books and magazines related to international exchange in the International Center. You can also borrow goods, national flags, and traditional attire. (free)
You can search books by "Aiina's Book Search Service".
Books and Magazines to Borrow
You can borrow books and magazines for 2 weeks up to 5 books at a time.  
Aiina's membership registration is required to borrow books.
▶Application Form (in Japanese)【PDF】(Aiina homepage)
Goods, National Flags, Traditional Attire to Borrow
You can borrow goods, national flags, and traditional attire. Please make use of them for comprehensive learning, event decorations, etc.
Please see the following page for their list and application form.
▶ Click here for the list and application form
※ Open another page.
JICA Iwate Desk
You can find information about JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) in the International Exchange Center. There is a "JICA Iwate Desk" promoter in our center’s office.
▶Click here for more information on "JICA Iwate Desk"
※Open JICA hopemage.
Iwate Support Center for Foreign Residents
If you have issues or concerns that you are struggling to resolve, please consult with us!We also welcome inquiries from family members, acquaintances, and businesses that recruit foreign workers.Please contact us by telephone or email.
▶ Click here to open the Support Center page.
Applications and Inquiries
Iwate International Association
Aiina5F 1-7-1 Moriokaekinishidori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0045
Phone: 019-654-8900
Email:Please Click here